Exterior view of Radisson Natchez Eola Hotel.

Named "Eola" after the developer's daughter, the seven-story Natchez Eola opened on July 1, 1927, acclaimed as a symbol of civic progress. Beginning in 1932, the hotel was headquarters for the annual Natchez Spring Pilgrimage and enjoyed years of prosperity and visits by innumerable celebrities. But by the 1960s, the hotel was showing its age, quietly closing in 1974. A detailed restoration brought life back to the dowager, its elaborate chandeliers, marble trim, columns, arched doorways and famed "Peacock Alley" all returned to their original splendor. Once again the embodiment of genteel Southern hospitality, the hotel reopened in 1982.
Traveler Reviews

Radisson Natchez Eola Hotel Summary 
Excellent hotel. Fantastic service. Great location. Awesome vibe.
Good to Know
- Good restaurant service
- Friendly service
- Nice building
- Stylish hotel