Luxurious, Ecological and Affordable...
Explore the untouched Ecuadorian wilderness from the luxurious and affordable Hacienda Primavera. This ecolodge is surrounded by El Choco rainforest reserve, a visually striking area with more flora and fauna per sq. ft. than anywhere else in the world! Part luxury & part working horse & cattle ranch, Hacienda Primavera offers the best of both worlds: Stay in a suite that features Spanish-colonial décor & private balconies. Then experience the ranch life – cut a fresh bunch of bananas, help milk cows & more. Horseback ride through the mountain trails, filled with tropical plants and vibrant birds & butterflies. Take a train ride into the market town of Ibarra. The Hacienda's chefs offer traditional Ecuadorian dishes, fine Chilean wine & cooking classes – ideal for South America getaways!